risc | |
  inst | |
   InstrumentationTraversal | The AST traversal class |
  sa | |
   ga | |
  sg | |
   CachedFunctionAstAttributes | This class stores precached information of a analyzed function. Each function definition has an associated precached ast attribute. So, we store the beginning vertex and the leaving segments of a vertex |
   CombinedDataConflictTable | |
   ConflictTable | |
    ConflictInformation | |
   DataConflictAstAttributes | This class should be used for the data conflict analysis. We can mark a SgVariableRef instance which has reading or writing access or is unused |
   DataConflictTable | This class represents the data conflict table among the individual segments. Two segments have a conflict if a least one variable is by the first segment and read by the second segment. A two dimensional array represents this array |
   Edge | |
   EdgePropertyWriter | |
   EventConflictTable | The conflicts are stored in the base class variable conflict_table_. The columns represent wait statements of the segments. The rows are representing the notifications of events. So, a true in conflict_table_[i][j] means that the associated segment/instance i notifies the event for which the associated segment/instance j is waiting |
   FunctionAnnotationAttributes | This class provides attributes for function anotations |
   OriginalDataAttribute | |
   MappedDataAttribute | |
   Tlm2ContainerOfMappedDataAttribute | |
   MappedContainersOfContainerAttribute | |
   DmiSocketAttribute | |
   SocketMethodParameterReferenceAttribute | |
   LeafNodeVisitor | |
   BreakStmtVisitor | |
   ContinueStmtVisitor | |
   GraphPropertyWriter | |
   MappedVariable | This is a helper class to describe a variable in the design through the symbol and the instance id |
   Conflict | This class represents a conflict in the data conflict table, either due to a conflicting expression (node_), or due to a conflicting variable with instance ID (variable_) (RD, 11/29/18) |
   PortCallAttribute | This class stores for function calls |
   PortCallPath | |
   SymbolWithPath | |
   NodeWithPath | |
   PredictionEventNotificationTable | |
    Node | |
   PredictionTimeAdvanceTable | |
   FunctionParameterReferenceAttribute | |
   LocalReferenceAttribute | |
   Segment | |
   SegmentCmp | Function object (functor!?) for SegmentSet (12/15/18, RD) |
   SegmentGraph | This class represents a segment graph for a process |
   Time | This class represents timing in discrete event simulation |
   TimeAdvanceTable | |
   VertexPropertyWriter | |
  tools | |
   AstAttributeColor | |
   CDefinitions | This class stores C and C++ definition pointer This class does not need any initialization |
   ParseStatus | This class stores the command-line options |
   UserSpaceFilter | |
   RoseNodes | |
   SystemCDefinitions | This class stores all SystemC definition pointers This class does not need any initialization |
  traverser | |
  Class | |
  CThread | |
  Definition | |
  Design | |
   label_writer | |
   SegEdge | |
   SegNode | |
  GlobalDesign | |
  DynamicPathInstanceMapper | |
  Event | |
  EventAndList | |
  EventOrList | |
  Function | |
  HierarchicalChannel | |
  HierarchicalChannelInstance | |
  InitiatorSocket | |
  InOutPort | |
  InPort | |
  Instance | |
  InstanceTree | |
   Element | |
  Interface | |
  pairhash | |
  MappingInfo | |
  Method | |
  Module | This class represents instances |
  ModuleInstance | This class represents a instance of a module |
  Object | |
  OutPort | |
  PathInstanceMapper | This class can be used as a lookup table between an instance id of a module or hierarchical channel and the instance tree |
  Port | |
  PrimitiveChannel | |
  PrimitiveChannelInstance | |
  Socket | |
  StaticPathInstanceMapper | |
  TargetSocket | |
  Thread | |
  Variable | This class represents a variable in a module |
 AnnotatedTime | |
 DynamicEvent | |
 DynamicEventAndList | |
 DynamicEventAndListElement | |
 DynamicEventList | |
 DynamicEventOrList | |
 DynamicEventOrListElement | |
 DynamicHierarchicalChannel | |
 DynamicInitSocket | |
 DynamicModule | |
 DynamicObject | |
 DynamicPointer | |
 DynamicPort | |
 DynamicPrimChannel | |
 DynamicReference | |
 DynamicTargetSocket | |
 DynamicVariable | |
 FunctionAnnotation | |
 timeAdvanceTable | This class represents the time advanced tables for a given segment graph. We distinguish between the 'current time table' and the 'next time table' |
 WaitAnnotation | |