sc_dt::sc_signed Class Reference

#include <sysc/datatypes/int/sc_signed.h>

Inheritance diagram for sc_dt::sc_signed:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for sc_dt::sc_signed:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 sc_signed (int nb=sc_length_param().len())
 sc_signed (const sc_signed &v)
 sc_signed (const sc_unsigned &v)
template<class T >
 sc_signed (const sc_generic_base< T > &v)
 sc_signed (const sc_bv_base &v)
 sc_signed (const sc_lv_base &v)
 sc_signed (const sc_int_subref_r &v)
 sc_signed (const sc_uint_subref_r &v)
 sc_signed (const sc_signed_subref_r &v)
 sc_signed (const sc_unsigned_subref_r &v)
const sc_signedoperator= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator= (const sc_signed_subref_r &a)
template<class T >
const sc_signedoperator= (const sc_generic_base< T > &a)
const sc_signedoperator= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator= (const sc_unsigned_subref_r &a)
const sc_signedoperator= (const char *v)
const sc_signedoperator= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator= (double v)
const sc_signedoperator= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator= (const sc_bv_base &)
const sc_signedoperator= (const sc_lv_base &)
virtual ~sc_signed ()
sc_digitget_raw () const
virtual int concat_length (bool *xz_present_p) const
virtual bool concat_get_ctrl (sc_digit *dst_p, int low_i) const
virtual bool concat_get_data (sc_digit *dst_p, int low_i) const
virtual uint64 concat_get_uint64 () const
virtual void concat_set (int64 src, int low_i)
virtual void concat_set (const sc_signed &src, int low_i)
virtual void concat_set (const sc_unsigned &src, int low_i)
virtual void concat_set (uint64 src, int low_i)
sc_signedoperator++ ()
const sc_signed operator++ (int)
sc_signedoperator-- ()
const sc_signed operator-- (int)
void check_index (int i) const
void invalid_index (int i) const
sc_signed_bitrefoperator[] (int i)
const sc_signed_bitref_roperator[] (int i) const
sc_signed_bitrefbit (int i)
const sc_signed_bitref_rbit (int i) const
void check_range (int l, int r) const
void invalid_range (int l, int r) const
sc_signed_subrefrange (int i, int j)
const sc_signed_subref_rrange (int i, int j) const
sc_signed_subrefoperator() (int i, int j)
const sc_signed_subref_roperator() (int i, int j) const
int to_int () const
unsigned int to_uint () const
long to_long () const
unsigned long to_ulong () const
int64 to_int64 () const
uint64 to_uint64 () const
double to_double () const
const std::string to_string (sc_numrep numrep=SC_DEC) const
const std::string to_string (sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix) const
void print (::std::ostream &os=::std::cout) const
void scan (::std::istream &is=::std::cin)
void dump (::std::ostream &os=::std::cout) const
int length () const
bool iszero () const
bool sign () const
bool and_reduce () const
bool nand_reduce () const
bool or_reduce () const
bool nor_reduce () const
bool xor_reduce () const
bool xnor_reduce () const
bool test (int i) const
void set (int i)
void clear (int i)
void set (int i, bool v)
void invert (int i)
void reverse ()
void get_packed_rep (sc_digit *buf) const
void set_packed_rep (sc_digit *buf)
const sc_signedoperator+= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator+= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator+= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator+= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator+= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator+= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator+= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator+= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator+= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator+= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator-= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator*= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator/= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator%= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator&= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator|= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator^= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator<<= (const sc_uint_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (const sc_signed &v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (const sc_unsigned &v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (int64 v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (uint64 v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (long v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (unsigned long v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (int v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (unsigned int v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (const sc_int_base &v)
const sc_signedoperator>>= (const sc_uint_base &v)


class sc_concatref
class sc_signed_bitref_r
class sc_signed_bitref
class sc_signed_subref_r
class sc_signed_subref
class sc_unsigned
class sc_unsigned_subref
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator+ (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator+ (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator- (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (uint64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (unsigned long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (unsigned int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator- (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator* (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator* (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator* (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator/ (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator/ (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator/ (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator% (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator% (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator% (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator& (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator& (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator& (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator| (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator| (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator| (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, long v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, int v)
sc_signed operator^ (int64 u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (long u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (int u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator^ (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator^ (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_unsigned operator<< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator<< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_unsigned operator>> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, long v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, int v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
sc_signed operator>> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
sc_signed operator+ (const sc_signed &u)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_signed &u)
sc_signed operator- (const sc_unsigned &u)
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator== (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator== (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator== (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator!= (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator!= (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator< (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator< (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator< (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator< (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator<= (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator<= (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator> (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator> (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator> (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator> (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_unsigned &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_unsigned &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, int64 v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, uint64 v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, long v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned long v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, int v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, unsigned int v)
bool operator>= (int64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (uint64 u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (unsigned long u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (unsigned int u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_int_base &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_signed &u, const sc_uint_base &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_int_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
bool operator>= (const sc_uint_base &u, const sc_signed &v)
sc_signed operator~ (const sc_signed &u)
sc_signed add_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed sub_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed mul_signed_friend (small_type s, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed div_signed_friend (small_type s, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed mod_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed and_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed or_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)
sc_signed xor_signed_friend (small_type us, int unb, int und, const sc_digit *ud, small_type vs, int vnb, int vnd, const sc_digit *vd)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1085 of file sc_signed.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( int  nb = sc_length_param().len()  )  [explicit]
sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( const sc_signed v  ) 
sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
template<class T >
sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( const sc_generic_base< T > &  v  )  [inline, explicit]

Definition at line 2336 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( const sc_bv_base v  )  [explicit]
sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( const sc_lv_base v  )  [explicit]
sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( const sc_int_subref_r v  )  [explicit]
sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( const sc_uint_subref_r v  )  [explicit]
sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( const sc_signed_subref_r v  )  [explicit]
sc_dt::sc_signed::sc_signed ( const sc_unsigned_subref_r v  )  [explicit]
virtual sc_dt::sc_signed::~sc_signed (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 1155 of file sc_signed.h.

Member Function Documentation

bool sc_dt::sc_signed::and_reduce (  )  const
const sc_signed_bitref_r& sc_dt::sc_signed::bit ( int  i  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1221 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed_bitref& sc_dt::sc_signed::bit ( int  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1212 of file sc_signed.h.

void sc_dt::sc_signed::check_index ( int  i  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1189 of file sc_signed.h.

void sc_dt::sc_signed::check_range ( int  l,
int  r 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 1240 of file sc_signed.h.

void sc_dt::sc_signed::clear ( int  i  ) 
virtual bool sc_dt::sc_signed::concat_get_ctrl ( sc_digit dst_p,
int  low_i 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from sc_dt::sc_value_base.

virtual bool sc_dt::sc_signed::concat_get_data ( sc_digit dst_p,
int  low_i 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from sc_dt::sc_value_base.

virtual uint64 sc_dt::sc_signed::concat_get_uint64 (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from sc_dt::sc_value_base.

virtual int sc_dt::sc_signed::concat_length ( bool *  xz_present_p  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from sc_dt::sc_value_base.

Definition at line 1166 of file sc_signed.h.

virtual void sc_dt::sc_signed::concat_set ( uint64  src,
int  low_i 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from sc_dt::sc_value_base.

virtual void sc_dt::sc_signed::concat_set ( const sc_unsigned src,
int  low_i 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from sc_dt::sc_value_base.

virtual void sc_dt::sc_signed::concat_set ( const sc_signed src,
int  low_i 
) [virtual]
virtual void sc_dt::sc_signed::concat_set ( int64  src,
int  low_i 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from sc_dt::sc_value_base.

void sc_dt::sc_signed::dump ( ::std::ostream &  os = ::std::cout  )  const
void sc_dt::sc_signed::get_packed_rep ( sc_digit buf  )  const
sc_digit* sc_dt::sc_signed::get_raw (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1164 of file sc_signed.h.

void sc_dt::sc_signed::invalid_index ( int  i  )  const
void sc_dt::sc_signed::invalid_range ( int  l,
int  r 
) const
void sc_dt::sc_signed::invert ( int  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1353 of file sc_signed.h.

bool sc_dt::sc_signed::iszero (  )  const
int sc_dt::sc_signed::length (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1326 of file sc_signed.h.

bool sc_dt::sc_signed::nand_reduce (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1334 of file sc_signed.h.

bool sc_dt::sc_signed::nor_reduce (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1339 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1663 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1661 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator%= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1719 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1717 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator&= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
const sc_signed_subref_r& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator() ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 1281 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed_subref& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator() ( int  i,
int  j 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1272 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1555 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1553 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator*= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
const sc_signed sc_dt::sc_signed::operator++ ( int   ) 
sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator++ (  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1436 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1434 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator+= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
const sc_signed sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-- ( int   ) 
sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-- (  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1499 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1497 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator-= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1609 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1607 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator/= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1864 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1862 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator<<= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const sc_lv_base  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const sc_bv_base  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( double  v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

Definition at line 1135 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

Definition at line 1132 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( unsigned long  v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( long  v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( uint64  v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( int64  v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const char *  v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const sc_unsigned_subref_r a  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

template<class T >
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const sc_generic_base< T > &  a  )  [inline]

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

Definition at line 1120 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const sc_signed_subref_r a  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator= ( const sc_signed v  ) 

Reimplemented in sc_dt::sc_bigint< W >.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1895 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1893 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator>>= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
const sc_signed_bitref_r& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator[] ( int  i  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1203 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed_bitref& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator[] ( int  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1194 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1827 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1825 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator^= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( const sc_uint_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( const sc_int_base v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( unsigned int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1773 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1771 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( unsigned long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( long  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( uint64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( int64  v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( const sc_unsigned v  ) 
const sc_signed& sc_dt::sc_signed::operator|= ( const sc_signed v  ) 
bool sc_dt::sc_signed::or_reduce (  )  const
void sc_dt::sc_signed::print ( ::std::ostream &  os = ::std::cout  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1317 of file sc_signed.h.

const sc_signed_subref_r& sc_dt::sc_signed::range ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 1263 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed_subref& sc_dt::sc_signed::range ( int  i,
int  j 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1254 of file sc_signed.h.

void sc_dt::sc_signed::reverse (  ) 
void sc_dt::sc_signed::scan ( ::std::istream &  is = ::std::cin  ) 
void sc_dt::sc_signed::set ( int  i,
bool  v 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1351 of file sc_signed.h.

void sc_dt::sc_signed::set ( int  i  ) 
void sc_dt::sc_signed::set_packed_rep ( sc_digit buf  ) 
bool sc_dt::sc_signed::sign (  )  const
bool sc_dt::sc_signed::test ( int  i  )  const
double sc_dt::sc_signed::to_double (  )  const
int sc_dt::sc_signed::to_int (  )  const
int64 sc_dt::sc_signed::to_int64 (  )  const
long sc_dt::sc_signed::to_long (  )  const
const std::string sc_dt::sc_signed::to_string ( sc_numrep  numrep,
bool  w_prefix 
) const
const std::string sc_dt::sc_signed::to_string ( sc_numrep  numrep = SC_DEC  )  const
unsigned int sc_dt::sc_signed::to_uint (  )  const
uint64 sc_dt::sc_signed::to_uint64 (  )  const
unsigned long sc_dt::sc_signed::to_ulong (  )  const
bool sc_dt::sc_signed::xnor_reduce (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1344 of file sc_signed.h.

bool sc_dt::sc_signed::xor_reduce (  )  const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

sc_signed add_signed_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 
) [friend]
sc_signed and_signed_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 
) [friend]
sc_signed div_signed_friend ( small_type  s,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 
) [friend]
sc_signed mod_signed_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 
) [friend]
sc_signed mul_signed_friend ( small_type  s,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1960 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator!= ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1958 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator!= ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1951 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1949 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
bool operator!= ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1652 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator% ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1650 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator% ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1643 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1641 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( int  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1633 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator% ( long  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( int64  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_unsigned u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1628 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator% ( const sc_unsigned u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_unsigned u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator% ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1708 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator& ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1706 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator& ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1699 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1697 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( int  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1689 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator& ( long  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( int64  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_unsigned u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1684 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator& ( const sc_unsigned u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_unsigned u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator& ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1544 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator* ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1542 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator* ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1535 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1533 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( int  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1525 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator* ( long  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( int64  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_unsigned u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1520 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator* ( const sc_unsigned u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_unsigned u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator* ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u  )  [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1425 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator+ ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1423 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator+ ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1416 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1414 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( int  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1406 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator+ ( long  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( int64  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_unsigned u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1401 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_unsigned u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_unsigned u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator+ ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u  )  [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u  )  [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1488 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator- ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1486 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator- ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1479 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1477 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1469 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator- ( int  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1467 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator- ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( long  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( uint64  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( int64  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1460 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1458 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator- ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1598 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator/ ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1596 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator/ ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1589 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1587 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( int  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1579 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator/ ( long  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( int64  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_unsigned u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1574 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_unsigned u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_unsigned u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator/ ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1989 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator< ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1987 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator< ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1980 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1978 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
bool operator< ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1853 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1851 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator<< ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_unsigned operator<< ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2018 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator<= ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2016 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator<= ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2009 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2007 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
bool operator<= ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1931 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator== ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1929 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator== ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1922 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1920 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
bool operator== ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2047 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator> ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2045 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator> ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2038 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2036 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
bool operator> ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2076 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator>= ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2074 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator>= ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2067 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 2065 of file sc_signed.h.

bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
bool operator>= ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1884 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1882 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator>> ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_unsigned operator>> ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1816 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator^ ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1814 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator^ ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1807 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1805 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( int  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1797 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator^ ( long  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( int64  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_unsigned u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1792 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_unsigned u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_unsigned u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator^ ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_uint_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_uint_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_int_base u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_int_base v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( unsigned int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1762 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator| ( int  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1760 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator| ( unsigned long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( long  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( uint64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( int64  u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1753 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1751 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
unsigned long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
uint64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( int  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1743 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator| ( long  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( int64  u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_unsigned u,
int  v 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1738 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed operator| ( const sc_unsigned u,
long  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_unsigned u,
int64  v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_signed u,
const sc_unsigned v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator| ( const sc_unsigned u,
const sc_signed v 
) [friend]
sc_signed operator~ ( const sc_signed u  )  [friend]
sc_signed or_signed_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 
) [friend]
friend class sc_concatref [friend]

Reimplemented from sc_dt::sc_value_base.

Definition at line 1087 of file sc_signed.h.

friend class sc_signed_bitref [friend]

Definition at line 1089 of file sc_signed.h.

friend class sc_signed_bitref_r [friend]

Definition at line 1088 of file sc_signed.h.

friend class sc_signed_subref [friend]

Definition at line 1091 of file sc_signed.h.

friend class sc_signed_subref_r [friend]

Definition at line 1090 of file sc_signed.h.

friend class sc_unsigned [friend]

Definition at line 1092 of file sc_signed.h.

friend class sc_unsigned_subref [friend]

Definition at line 1093 of file sc_signed.h.

sc_signed sub_signed_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 
) [friend]
sc_signed xor_signed_friend ( small_type  us,
int  unb,
int  und,
const sc_digit ud,
small_type  vs,
int  vnb,
int  vnd,
const sc_digit vd 
) [friend]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on 29 Oct 2015 for SystemC by  doxygen 1.6.1