The SoC Environment (SCE) is an implementation of the concept of the
exploration engine as a step
in our overall SoC design flow research.
The SCE provides a environment for modeling, synthesis and validation.
It includes a graphical user interface (GUI) and a set of tools to
facilitate the design flow and perform refinement steps.
The two major components of the GUI are the Refinement User Interface
(RUI) and the Validation User Interface (VUI). The RUI allows
designers to make and input design decisions,
such as component allocation, specification mapping. With design
decisions made, refinement tools can
be invoked inside RUI to refine models. The VUI allows the simulation
of all models to validate the
design at each stage of the design flow.
A profiling tool is used to obtain the characteristics of the initial
specification, which serves as
the basis for architecture exploration. The refinement tool set
automatically transforms models based on
relevant design decisions. An estimation tool set produces quality
metrics for each intermediate
models, which can be evaluated by designers.
With the assistance of the GUI and tool set, it is relatively
easy for designer to step through
the design process. With the editing, browsing and algorithm selection
capability provided by the RUI, a
specification model can be efficiently captured by designers. Based on
the information profiled on
the specification, designers input architectural decisions and apply
the architecture refinement tool
to derive the architecture model. If the estimated metrics are
satisfactory, designers can focus on
communication issues, such as protocol selection and channel
partitioning. With communication decisions
made, the communication refinement tool is used to generate the
communication model. Finally, the
implementation model is produced in the similar fashion, ready to feed
into traditional design flows.
A tutorial of the SoC Environment (SCE) is available for download.
Based on a real-life design example, the tutorial shows step
by step how a design is taken from initial specification down to an
implementation using the SCE tool set.
The tutorial document together with a demo version of SCE required to
run the tutorial is distributed on a CD-ROM (see
below). Otherwise, the tutorial document itself can be dowloaded
directly from here:
A demo version of our current SCE prototype is available upon request.
The SCE demo comes on a CD-ROM and includes the tutorial
document (see above).
If you are interested in obtaining a demo version of the SoC Environment
(SCE) on CD-ROM, please contact us and we will provide you with a
CD-ROM together with the tutorial document.
System requirements:
- PC or laptop, x86 CPU, 128MB RAM, CD-ROM drive.
- The CD-ROM contains a bootable live installation of
RedHat 7.3 which requires
the PC to be able to boot from CD.
- Otherwise, a RedHat 7.3 Linux
(other Linux distributions are not tested, i.e. they may or may
not work) to run directly from CD or from hard disk
(copying to hard disk requires appr. 80MB of disk space).
The SoC environment (SCE) is