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provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or
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Jon Kleinsmith, Jianwen Zhu and Daniel D. Gajski,
"ATM Modeling Example for SpecGen Evaluation,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-97-47, October 1997.
In this report we discuss the specification of an ATM cell filter. A
behavioral model of the filter is supplied using two specification
languages, VHDL, and SpecC, a new language under development by the
CADLAB at the University of California, Irvine. A description of the
functionality of the filter model is supplied in addition to language
features and problems encountered during the specification process.
This model is to be used as an example for the evaluation of the
SpecGen system, a simulation and synthesis environment also under
development at the CADLAB.
En-Shou Chang and Daniel D. Gajski,
"A generic binding model for concurrently optimizing interconnection
and functional units,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-97-42, October 1997.
A generic binding model which can provide complete information for
binding task is presented in this paper. With information provided by
this model, people can do interconnection optimization concurrently
with operation and variable binding, as well as find better
combination of FUs. Our method is not only much faster but also can
obtain better or competitive binding than complex previous works.
Peter Grun, Nikil Dutt and Florin Balasa,
"System Level Memory Size Estimation,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-97-37, September 1997.
DSP applications, such as image, voice, and video processing are
characterized by large multi-dimensional arrays, accessed from multiple
nested loops. The cost and performance of the final implementation of such
designs is dominated by the background storage. To optimize the memory size
nd the memory accesses, they have to be consideredat an early design stage.
We propose a fast memory size estimation method for a parallel procedural
represen-tation, which can trade-off computation time against accuracy.
This technique is presented in the context of a Hardware/Software
exploration environment.
Hartej Singh and Daniel D. Gajski,
"A Design Methodology for Behavioral Level Power Exploration:
Implementation and Experiments,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-97-28.
This work describes an integrated design methodology focusing on power
exploration at behavioral level. We present a behavioral-level tool for
architecture selection and power estimation within the SpecSyn [GVNG94]
environment. Power analysis is done in both steps; it is approximate in
the former and detailed in the latter. A combination of empirical and
analytical approaches is used for power estimation. We provide several
case studies of common benchmarks to illustrate the design methodology as
also its interactive and efficient nature that enables fuller design space
exploration. We evaluate power versus performance trade-offs for different
implementations of each example, using our tool. An important premise for
this work is accurate characterisation of resource library for power.
Daniel D. Gajski, Jianwen Zhu, Rainer Doemer,
"Essential Issues in Codesign,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-97-26, June 1997.
n this report we discuss the main models of computation, the basic
types of architectures, and language features needed to specify systems.
We also give an overview of a generic methodology for designing systems,
that include software and hardware parts, from executable specifications.
Jianwen Zhu, Rainer Doemer, Daniel D. Gajski,
"Syntax and Semantics of the SpecC+ Language,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-97-16, April 1997.
In this paper, we describe the goals for the development of an executable
modeling language in the context of a homogeneous methodology featuring
the synthesis, reuse and validation flow. A C based language called
SpecC+ is proposed as an attempt to achieve these goals. The syntax and
semantics of the language is presented and compared with existing HDLs
and we conclude it is conceptually more abstract, syntactically simpler,
and semantically richer.
Daniel D. Gajski, Jianwen Zhu, Rainer Doemer,
"The SpecC+ Language,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-97-15, April 15, 1997.
In this report, we discuss the characteristicss necessary for specifying
embedded hardward-software systems. We describe the constructs needed to
capture these characteristics and propose a new C based specification
language to describe heterogeneous embedded systems.
Jon Kleinsmith, Tatsuya Umezaki, Zhuzhen Kang and Daniel Gajski,
"Co-Design Methodology for ATM Applications Domain,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-97-14, January 1997.
With the recent explosion of ATM technologies, continuing increases
in design complexity and shortened time-to-market demands, new design
methodologies coupled with powerful CAD tools are becoming necessary
to keep abreast with consumer need in this high-performance/memory
intensive application area. Using a system-level approach to
design, we demonstrate that a significantly shorter design cycle may
be achieved. This methodology is explained on the example of an ATM