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En-Shou Chang and Daniel D. Gajski and Sanjiv Narayan,
"An optimal clock period selection method based on slack minimization
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-95-57, December 1995.
An important decision in synthesizing a hardware implementation from
a behavioral description is selecting the clock period to schedule the
datapath operations into control steps. Prior to scheduling, most
existing behavioral synthesis systems either require the designer to
specify the clock period explicitly or require that the delays of the
operators used in the design be specified in multiples of the clock
period. An unfavorable choice of the clock period could result in
operations being idle for a large portion of the clock period, and
consequently, affect the performance of the synthesized design.
In this paper, we demonstrate the effect of clock slack on the
performance of designs and present an algorithm to find a slack-minimal
clock period. We prove the optimality of our method and apply it to
several examples to demonstrate its effectiveness in maximizing design
En-Shou Chang,
"An optimal slack minimization method,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-95-34, 1995
When synthesizing a hardware implementation from behavioral
descriptions, an important decision is the selection of a clock cycle
to schedule the datapath operation into control steps. Prior to
scheduling, most existing behavioral synthesis systems either require
the designer to specify the clock cycle explicitly or require that the
delays of the operators used in the design be specified in multiples
of a clock cycle. A bad choice of the clock cycle could adversely
affect the performance of the synthesized design. We present
mathematical proofs of setting clock cycle length with zero clock
slack and an algorithm for estimating the system clock based on a
clock slack minimization criteria. This algorithm guarantee the
minimum average clock slack.
Daniel D. Gajski and Hsiao-Ping Juan,
"A Design Methodology for Interactive Behavioral Synthesis,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-95-25, July 1995.
Due to the recent increases in design complexity, behavioral
synthesis has become an important area of research and company
interest. However, there has been market resistance to accepting the
automatic behavioral synthesis approach as a practical solution in
general because, first, it often produces results inferior to manual
designs, and second, it allows only minimum user control. To develop
a feasible approach for behavioral synthesis to overcome the hurdles
faced by the automatic approach, we propose interactive behavioral
synthesis, which attempts to maximally utilize the human designer's
insights. Using interactive behavioral synthesis, the users can
control the design process, observe the effects of design decisions,
and manually override synthesis algorithms at will. In this report,
we present a design methodology as how the user interacts with an
interactive behavioral synthesis system, which in contrast to an
automatic synthesis system, enables the human designer fine-grain
control over each synthesis task and continually supplies feedback in
the form of quality measures so that the user can make informed
design-related decisions. To demonstrate the proposed design methodology,
we also present in this report a walk-through square-root approximation
(SRA) example.
Chu-Yi Huang and Daniel D. Gajski,
"Software Performance Estimation for Pipeline and Superscalar
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-95-20, June 1995.
Smita Baskshi and Daniel D. Gajski,
"A Memory Selection Algorithm for High-Performance Pipelines,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-95-03, Jan 1995.
In order to perform high-throughput DSP computations, that are
predominantly vector or array based, it is essential that the memory
organization satisfy both the storage and the performance requirements
of the design. In this report, we present an algorithm to select a memory
organization, in addition to selecting a pipeline and other datapath
components, given performance constraints. We also conduct experiments
to give a quantitative measure of the impact of memory selection on DSP