- Pradip K. Jha, Champaka Ramachandran, Nikil D. Dutt and
Daniel D. Gajski,
"The Effects of Variations om Component Styles and Shapes on High-Level
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-115, December 1992, 24 pages.
- Viraphol Chaiyakul and Daniel D. Gajski,
"Assignment Decision Diagram for High-Level Synthesis,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-103, December 1992, 51 pages.
- Daniel Gajski, Sanjiv Narayan, and Frank Vahid,
"A System-Level Specification and Design Methodology,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-102, October 1992, 22 pages.
- Roger Ang and Nikil Dutt,
"On Linking RT-Component Functionality to Abstract HDL Behavior - REVISED,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-97, July 1993.
- Hsiao-Ping Juan, Nancy Holmes, Smita Bakshi, and Daniel Gajski,
"Top-Down Modeling of RISC Processors in VHDL,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-96, October 1992, 47 pages
- Loganath Ramachandran, Viraphol Chaiyakul, and Daniel D. Gajski,
"VHDL Synthesis System (VSS) User's Manual Version 5.0,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-52, June 1992, 16 pages. ($2.00)
- Loganath Ramachandran and Daniel D. Gajski,
"Architectural Tradeoffs in Synthesis of Pipelined Controls,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-49, May 1992, 22 pages.
- Viraphol Chaiyakul, Daniel D. Gajski, and Loganath Ramachandran,
"Minimizing Syntactic Variance with Assignment Decision Diagrams,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-34, April 1992, 19 pages.
- Pradip K. Jha and Nikil D. Dutt,
"A Fast Area-Delay Estimation Technique for RTL Component Generators,"
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-33, April 1992, 33 pages.
- Roger Ang and Nikil Dutt,
"Transformations Supporting Interactive Rescheduling for High-Level
UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-92-20, February 1992.