
Conference Proceedings

The 22nd Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium

Date: February 8-11, 2015

Location: San Diego, CA, USA

Website: http://www.internetsociety.org/events/ndss-symposium-2015

Stephen Crane, Andrei Homescu, Stefan Brunthaler, Per Larsen, Michael Franz, “Thwarting CacheSide-Channel Attacks Through Dynamic Software Diversity,” the 22nd Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2015), San Diego, CA, USA, February 8-11, 2015

Vishwath Mohan, Per Larsen, Stefan Brunthaler, Kevin W. Hamlen, Michael Franz, “Opaque Control-Flow Integrity,” the 22nd Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2015), San Diego, CA, USA, February 8-11, 2015

The 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference

Date: January 19-22, 2015

Location: Chiba, Japan, January

Website: http://www.aspdac.com/aspdac2015/

Che-Wei Chang, Rainer Dömer, “Communication Protocol Analysis of Transaction-level Models Using Satisfiability Modulo Theories,” the 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2015):606-611, Chiba, Japan, January 19-22, 2015

Guantao Liu, Tim Schmidt, Rainer Dömer, Ajit Dingankar, Desmond Kirkpatrick “Optimizing Thread-to-core Mapping on Manycore Platforms with Distributed Tag Directories,” the 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2015):429-434, Chiba, Japan, January 19-22, 2015

IEEE Global Communications Conference

Date: December 8-12, 2014

Location: Austin, TX, USA

Website: http://globecom2014.ieee-globecom.org/

Yuli Yang, Sonia Aїssa, Ahmed M. Eltawil, Khaled Nabil Salama,“An Interference Cancellation Strategy for Broadcast in Hierarchical Cell Structure,”IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2014):1792-1797, Austin, TX, USA, December 8-12, 2014

Marco Levorato, Pradeep Chathuranga Weeraddana, Carol Fischione, “Distributed Optimization of Transmission Strategies inReactive Cognitive Networks,”IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2014):905-910, Austin, TX, USA, December 8-12, 2014

The Embed With Linux 2014 Workshop

Date: November 13-14, 2014

Location: Lisboa, Portugal

Website: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1291/

Tom Springer, Steffen Peter, Tony Givargis, “Adaptive Resource Synchronization in Hierarchical Real-Time Systems,” The Embed With Linux 2014 Workshop (EWiLi 2014), Lisboa, Portugal, November 13-14, 2014

Tim Schmidt, Kim Grüttner, Rainer Dömer, Achim Rettberg, “A Program State Machine Based Virtual Processing Model in SystemC,” The Embed With Linux 2014 Workshop (EWiLi 2014), Lisboa, Portugal, November 13-14, 2014

The 1st ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense on the Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Date: November 7, 2014

Location: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Website: http://csis.gmu.edu/MTD2014/

Mark Murphy, Per Larsen, Stefan Brunthaler, Michael Franz, “Software Profiling Options and Their Effects on Security Based Diversification,” The 1st ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense on the Conference on Computer and Communications Security (MTD@CCS 2014):87-96, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, November 7, 2014