
The 13th International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2014)

Date: April 15-17, 2014

Location: Berlin, Germany

Website: ipsn.acm.org/2014/

Jo-Ping Li, Shin-Yi Chang, Pai H. Chou, “Demonstration Abstract: Enabling WSN Nodes to Send Data to Smartmobiles by Blinking LEDS,” The 13th International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2014), April 15-17, 2014, Berlin, Germany, IPSN 2014: 343-344

Tong Kun Lai, An-Ping Wang, Chun-Min Chang, Hua-Min Tseng, Kailing Huang, Jo-Ping Li, Wen-Chan Shih, Pai H. Chou, “Demonstration abstract: an 8x8mm2 Bluetooth Low Energy Wireless Motion-Sensing Platform,” The 13th International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2014), April 15-17, 2014, Berlin, Germany, IPSN 2014: 341-342