Abdulla Al-Qawasmeh, Sudeep Pasricha, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Howard Jay Siegel, “Power and Thermal-Aware Workload Allocation in Heterogeneous Data Centers,” IEEE Transactions on Computer 64(2):477-491, February, 2015 Mehmet Kayaalp, Timothy Schmitt,...
Wenliang He, Daniel Gajski, George Farkas, Mark Warschauer, “Implementing Flexible Hybrid Instruction in an Electrical Engineering Course: The Best of Three Worlds?” Computers & Education 81:59-68, February, 2015 Vahid Salmani, Pai H. Chou,...
Bailey Miller, Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, Philip Brisk, “Graph-Based Approaches to Placement of Processing Element Networks on FPGAs for Physical Model Simulation,” ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) 7(4):37:1-37:22,...
Jing Huang, A. Lee Swindlehurst, “Buffer-Aided Relaying for Two-Hop Secure Communication,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14(1):152-164, January, 2015
Iméne Mhadhbi, Nabil Litayem, Slim Ben Othman, Slim Ben Saoud, “Impact of Hardware/Software Partitioning and MicroBlaze FPGA Configurations on the Embedded Systems Performances,” Complex System Modeling and Control Through Intelligent Soft Computations...