
International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2007)

Location: Lake Tahoe, CA Website: http://www.iccd-conference.org/2007/ A.H. Gholamipour, E. Bozorgzadeh, S. Banerjee, “Energy-Aware Coprocessor Selection for Embedded Processors on FPGAs,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), October...

IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASES 2007)

Website: http://www.casesconference.org/ D.Cho, I. Issenin, N.D. Dutt, and Y. Paek, “Software Controlled Memory Layout Reorganization for Irregular Array Access Patterns,” Proc. Of the 2007 International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis...

International Conference on Computer Aided Design

Location: San Jose, California Website: http://www.iccad.com/geninfo.html G. Schirner, R. Dömer, “Fast and Accurate Transaction Level Models using Result Oriented Modeling”, ICCAD ’06, November 2006.download pdf

International System-on-Chip Design Conference

Location: Seoul, Korea Website: http://www.isocc.org/ R. Dömer, A. Gerstlauer, D. Shin, “Cycle-accurate RTL Modeling with Multi-Cycled and Pipelined Components”, ISOCC ’06, October 2006.download pdf