Assistant Professor QV Dang received Excellence in Digital Learning from UCI Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation to recognize his demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching at UCI. Congrats Prof. Dang!
Assistant Professor Rozhin Yasaei won 2nd Best Paper Award at Women in Cyber Security Conference 2023 with paper titled: “Attack and Fault Detection in the Internet of Things using Graph Neural Networks.” Congrats Prof. Yasaei!
Title: Sparse Computing and Large Language Model: from AI 1.0 to AI 2.0 Speaker: Prof. Guohao Dai Date and Time: Friday, November 3rd, 10:30 am Location: ISEB 4020 Abstract: General Artificial Intelligence is going through a new development stage from Computation AI, Perception AI, to Cognition AI, with the new trends of big data, multi-modality, […]
Name: Ahmad Nahian Chair: Professor Brian Demsky Date: November 30, 2023 Time: 9:30 AM Location: ISEB 1010 Committee: Professor Rainer Doemer, Professor Quoc-Viet Dang Title: Towards Finding the Optimization Potential of Fine-Grained Locks Abstract: Fine-grained locking is an effective way of eliminating lock contention in multi-threaded applications. However, it is comparatively difficult and error prone […]