
Low-Power Integrated Circuits For Biomedical Applications

Title: "Low-Power Integrated Circuits For Biomedical Applications" Name: Karimi Bidhendi, Alireza Chair: Professor Payam Heydari Date: August 6, 2019 Time: 1 pm Location: Calit2,  Room 3008 Abstract: With thousands new […]

Towards Engineering Computer Vision Systems: From Web to FPGAs

Final Defense - Sajjad Taheri Date: August 26, 2019 Time: 2:00 pm Location: Donald Bren Hall 4011 Committee: Alex Nicolau(chair), Alex Veidenbaum(co-chair), Nikil Dutt Title: Towards Engineering Computer Vision Systems: From Web […]

Quoc-Viet Dang Won EECS Professor of the Year

Assistant Professor QV Dang awarded EECS Professor of the Year by UCI Engineering Student Council for his outstanding undergraduate teaching and public services in EECS. Congrats!

Ardalan Amiri Sani Awarded CAREER Award

Assistant Professor Ardalan Amiri Sani was awarded CAREER Award by the National Science Foundation for the research on “Securing Mobile Devices by Hardening their System Software”. Congrats!