
Design Methodology for Systems-On-Chip

Presented by Professor Daniel Gajski, University of California, IrvineIEEE Orange County Computer Society
Wyndham Gardens Hotel, Costa Mesa, CA
August 26, 2002

Reconfigurable Systems

by Majid Sarrafzadeh, UCLA, Computer Science DepartmentSeptember 19, 2002

CECS DAC Open House

The open house was held on the last day of the 40th DAC in Anaheim, so that attendees at DAC can spend an afternoon visiting CECS and the UCI campus.

Smart Cameras as High Performance Embedded Systems

by Professor Wayne Wolf, Princeton University,McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, University of California, Irvine, CA Distinguished Lecture, July 22, 2003 Abstract :: Lecture Slides :: Pictures 


Release Date: September 19, 2003Web Site: https://www.cecs.uci.edu/~spark/ SPARK is a C-to-VHDL high-level synthesis framework that employs a set of innovative compiler, parallelizing compiler, and synthesis transformations to improve the quality of high-level […]

SCESS 2003 Award

Marshall Lee presenting 2nd place award citation to Sudeep Pasricha, graduate student, UCI