
Prof. Gajski Receives Mentor Award

Professor Daniel D. Gajski received the first ever 2004 Graduate Mentor of the Year Award from the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences. This award was given in recognition of his devotion to graduating 4 PhD students in 2004 and 4 PhD students in 2003.

CECS End of the Year BBQ

CECS celebrates the end of the academic year with a successful BBQ.


The CECS ISLPED Open House held on August 8, 2004 was a success. Over 55 ISLPED attendees, graduate students, and CECS faculty affiliates were present at this CECS sponsored event.

Taming Pointers – A Symbolic Approach

Professor Jianwen Zhu, University of Toronto, CanadaMcDonnell Douglas Auditorium, University of California, Irvine, CA
Seminar, August 17, 2004

Prof. Dutt Presents Keynote Speech

Professor Nikil Dutt presented the Keynote Speech at the EUROMICRO Symposium on Digital System Design. The symposium was held at Rennes, France.EUROMICRO Web Site

Extreme Makeover of Design Automation

Presented by Professor Daniel Gajski, University of California, IrvineIEEE Orange County Computer Society
University Club, UC Irvine
October 25, 2004

Dr. Mishra wins 2004 EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award

Dr. Prabhat Mishra won the EDAA outstanding dissertation award for the topic "New Directions in Embedded System Design Automation." His paper is titled, "Specification-Driven Validation of Programmable Embedded Systems."

Chou & Heydari Win NSF CAREER Awards

Professors Pai H. Chou and Payam Heydari, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering, have been named recipients of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award. Each professor received an award of $400,000 covering a 5 year duration.

Henry T. Nicholas, III Research Fellowships

The Center for Embedded Computer Systems (CECS) at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) announces that it is receiving graduate student applications for two Henry T. Nicholas, III Research Fellowships for the 2005-2006 academic year.