
Hardware Security in the Zynq All-Programmable Soc

Title: “Hardware Security in the Zynq All-Programmable Soc” Speaker: Dr. Steve Trimberger, Xilinx Date:  Friday, October 2, 2015 Time:  2:00 p.m. Location:  Donald Bren Hall 4011 Host: Prof. Fadi J. […]

Resilience is a Critical Issue for Large-scale Platform

Speaker:  Prof. Yves Robert, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France Title:  Resilience is a Critical Issue for Large-scale Platform Date:  Monday, May 18, 2015 Time:  11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. […]

Adaptive Design: Tackling Variability Challenges in VLSI Circuits

Title: “Adaptive Design: Tackling Variability Challenges in VLSI Circuits” Speaker: Professor Mingoo Seok, Columbia University, New York Date:  Friday, April 22, 2016 Time:  3:00PM Location:  Harut Barsamian Colloquia Room (Engineering […]

Malicious LUT: A Stealthy FPGA Trojan Injected and Triggered by the Design Flow

Title:  “Malicious LUT: A Stealthy FPGA Trojan Injected and Triggered by the Design Flow” Speaker: Christian Krieg, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria Date and Time: Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 2:00 PM Location: Donald Bren Hall 3011 Host:  Professor Nikil Dutt Abstract: We present a novel type of Trojan trigger targeted at the field-programmable […]

High Level Synthesis – Some Challenging Problems

Title: "High Level Synthesis - Some Challenging Problems" Speaker: George A. Constantinides, Imperial College London, UK Date and Time: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. Location: Engineering Hall 2430 Host: Professor Nikil Dutt Abstract: High Level Synthesis - synthesis of circuits from behavioral descriptions - is a long-standing problem, but one that appears to now have come to […]

Low Energy, a New Trend for Lightweight Cryptography

Title: “Low Energy, a New Trend for Lightweight Cryptography” Speaker: Dr. Francesco Regazzoni, ALaRI Institute of Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland Date and Time:  Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. Location: DBH 4011 Host: Prof. Nikil Dutt Abstract: In the last decade, several lightweight block ciphers and hash functions have been proposed. One […]

Resource Aggregation for Collaborative Projected Video from Multiple Mobile Devices

Name: Hung Nguyen Date: November 17, 2016 Time: 1:30 P.M. Location: EH 3206 Committee: Fadi Kurdahi (Chair), Aditi Majumder (Co-Chair) Abstract:  We explore and develop an embedded real time system and associated algorithms that enable an aggregation of limited resource, low-quality, projection-enabled mobile devices to collaboratively produce a higher quality video stream for a superior viewing […]

On Optimizing the Performance of Interference-Limited Wireless Systems

Name: Rana A. Abdelaal Date: January 30, 2017 Time: 1:00 PM Location: Engineering Hall 3106 Committee: Professor Ahmed Eltawil Abstract: Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) technology has seen prolific use to achieve higher data rates and an improved communication experience for cellular systems. However, one of the challenging problems in MIMO systems is interference. Interference limits the […]