
“Security of Additive Manufacturing: New Frontiers”

Name: Mark Yampolskiy Date and Time: Friday, October 19 at 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Location: Engineering Hall 2430 Abstract: Additive Manufacturing (AM), a.k.a. 3D printing, is a rapidly growing multibillion-dollar industry that is increasingly used to manufacture functional parts, including components of safety critical systems in the aerospace, automotive, and other industries. However, reliance on the […]

“Plasmonic Wave Computing: Concepts and Potential”

Name: Francky Catthoor Date and Time: Wednesday, October 31 at 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Location: Engineering Hall 2430 Abstract:  Several beyond CMOS computing directions are being explored given that the CMOS scaling roadmap faces increasing challenges. Any alternative is however facing strong competition from the extremely optimized CMOS roadmap. One of the potential directions which can […]

Accelerated Computing for Edge-Centric IoT

Name: Tulika Mitra Date and Time: Monday, November 5 at 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Location: Donald Bren Hall 3011 Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT), an ever-growing network of billions of devices embedded within physical objects, is revolutionizing our daily life. The IoT devices in the edge are primarily responsible only for collecting and communicating the data […]

 Partial logic synthesis and its application to automatic generation of parallel/distributed algorithms

Name: Masahiro Fujita Date and Time: Thursday, January 14 at 3:00 p.m. Location:Engineering Hall 3206 Abstract: In this talk first we review the partial logic synthesis problem and its associated algorithm based on QBF (Quantified Boolean Formula) formulation. Partial logic synthesis is to generate appropriate sub-circuits for the missing portions in the target design so that the entire […]

“Poly-Logarithmic Side Channel Rank Estimation via Exponential Sampling”

Name: Liron David Date and Time: Tuesday, March 12 at 10:00 a.m. Location: Engineering Hall 5204 Abstract: Rank estimation is an important tool for a side-channel evaluations laboratories. It allows estimating the remaining security after an attack has been performed, quantified as the time complexity and the memory consumption required to brute force the key […]

“Scalable Set-based Analysis for Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems”

Name: Stanley Bak Date and Time: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 Location: Engineering Hall 2430 Abstract: Cyber-physical systems combine complex physics with complex software. Although these systems offer significant potential in fields such as smart grid design, autonomous robotics and medical systems, verification of CPS designs remains challenging. Model-based design permits simulations to be used to explore […]

“Energy-Aware Data Center Management: Monitoring Trends and Insights via Machine Learning”

Name: Hayk Shoukourian Date and Time: Friday, November 15, 2019 Location: Donald Bren Hall 3011 Abstract: The increasing demand for online resources has led to an immense energy burden on contemporary High Performance Computing (HPC) and cloud data centers. Even though each new generation of HPC systems delivers a higher power efficiency, the growth in system […]

“Beyond Approximate Computing: Quality-Scalability for Low-Power Embedded Systems and Machine Learning”

Speaker: Younghyun Kim Date and Time: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Location: Zoom https://uci.zoom.us/j/98632011722 Abstract: Approximate computing is a new paradigm to accomplish energy-efficient computing in this twilight of Moore’s law by relaxing the exactness requirement of computation results for intrinsically error-resilient applications, such as deep learning and signal processing, and producing results that are “just […]

“Runtime Monitoring of Distributed Cyber-physical Systems”

DBH 3011 Donald Bren Hall University of California, Irve, Irvine, CA, United States

Speaker: Borzoo Bonakdarpour Date and Time: Monday, May 23, 2022 at 2:00 pm Location: DBH 3011 Abstract:  We consider the problem of detecting violations of specification In the signal temporal logic over distributed continuous-time and continuous-valued signals in cyber-physical systems (CPS). We assume a partially synchronous setting, where a clock synchronization algorithm guarantees a bound on clock drifts […]