
Low-Power Integrated Circuits For Biomedical Applications

Title: "Low-Power Integrated Circuits For Biomedical Applications" Name: Karimi Bidhendi, Alireza Chair: Professor Payam Heydari Date: August 6, 2019 Time: 1 pm Location: Calit2,  Room 3008 Abstract: With thousands new cases of spinal cord injury reported everyday, many people suffer from paralysis and loss of sensation in both legs. Beside the healthcare costs, such a […]

Cooperative Power and Resource Management for Heterogeneous Mobile Architectures

Name: Chenying Hsieh Date: Wednesday Aug 7, 2019 Time: 2:00 pm Location: Donald Bren Hall 4011 Committee: Nikil Dutt (Chair), Tony Givargis, and Ardalan Amiri Sani Title: Cooperative Power and Resource Management for Heterogeneous Mobile Architectures   Abstract: Heterogeneous architectures have been ubiquitous in mobile system-on-chips (SoCs). The demand from different application domains such as games, computer vision and machine learning which […]

Event Detection and Estimation Using Distributed Population Owned Sensors

Name: Ahmed Mokhtar Nagy Ibrahim Chair: Prof. Ahmed Eltawil Date: August 7th, 2019 Time: 1:00 pm Location:  EH 2210 – EECS Chair’s Conference Room Committee: Ahmed Eltawil(Chair), Ender Ayanoglu, and Lee Swindlehurst Title:"Event Detection and Estimation Using Distributed Population Owned Sensors " Abstract: Smart phones are an indispensable tool in modern day-to-day life. Their widespread […]

Towards Engineering Computer Vision Systems: From Web to FPGAs

Final Defense - Sajjad Taheri Date: August 26, 2019 Time: 2:00 pm Location: Donald Bren Hall 4011 Committee: Alex Nicolau(chair), Alex Veidenbaum(co-chair), Nikil Dutt Title: Towards Engineering Computer Vision Systems: From Web to FPGAs Abstract: Computer vision has many applications that impact our daily lives, such as automation, entertainment, healthcare, etc. However, computer vision is very challenging. […]

Efficient Offline and Online Training of Memristive Neuromorphic Hardware

Name: Mohammed Fouda Chair: Prof. Ahmed Eltawil Date: February 6th, 2020 Time: 9:30 AM Location:  EH 3206 Committee: Ahmed Eltawil (Chair), Prof. Fadi Kurdahi, Prof. Nikil Dutt, Prof. Emre Neftci Title: "Efficient Offline and Online Training of Memristive Neuromorphic Hardware" Abstract: Brain-inspired neuromorphic systems have witnessed rapid development over the last decade from both algorithmic and […]

Novel Monitoring, Detection, and Optimization Techniques for Neurological Disorders

Name: Seyede Mahya Safavi Chair: Prof. Pai Chou Date: February 20th, 2020 Time: 10:00 AM Location:  EH 3404 Committee: Prof. Pai Chou (Chair), Prof. Beth Lopour, Prof. Phillip Sheu Title: "Novel Monitoring, Detection, and Optimization Techniques for Neurological Disorders" Abstract: The advancement in chronically implanted neural recording devices has led to advent of assisting devices for […]

Design and Implementation of Robust Full-Duplex Wireless Network

Name: Sergey Shaboyan Chair: Prof. Ahmed Eltawil Date: March 10th, 2020 Time: 09:30 AM Location:  EH 3206 Committee: Prof. Ahmed Eltawil (Chair), Prof. Ender Ayanoglu, Prof. Zhiying Wang Title: "Design and Implementation of Robust Full-Duplex Wireless Network" Abstract: Recently Full-Duplex (FD) communication has gained significant interest due to demonstrable increase in throughput and spectral efficiency. Conventional […]

Advancing Compiler and Simulator Techniques for Highly Parallel Simulation of Embedded Systems

Name: Zhongqi Cheng Chair: Prof. Rainer Doemer Date: May 29th, 2020 Time: 02:00 PM Location:  Zoom Committee: Rainer Doemer (Chair), Prof. Mohammad Al Faruque and Prof. Aparna Chandramowlishwaran Title: "Advancing Compiler and Simulator Techniques for Highly Parallel Simulation of Embedded Systems" Abstract: As an Electronic System Level (ESL) design language, the IEEE SystemC standard is […]

Internet of Things-Based Collaborative Position-Sensing Systems for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Indoor Localization

Name: Chen, Hsin-Chung "Andrew"Chair: Pai Chou Date:  Wednesday, March 16, 2022 Time: 9:00 am Location:  https://uci.zoom.us/j/93264053012 Committee: Nader Bagherzadeh, Rainer Doemer Title: Internet of Things-Based Collaborative Position-Sensing Systems for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Indoor Localization Abstract: The ubiquitous IoT devices have promoted the growth of applications that require target positioning. While precise positioning remains a challenge […]

Transaction-Level Modeling of Deep Neural Networks for Efficient Parallelism and Memory Accuracy

EH 3206 Engineering Hall University of California, Irve, Irvine, CA, United States

Name: Emad Arasteh Chair: Prof. Rainer Doemer Date: July 7, 2022 Time: 10:00 am Location: EH 3206 Committee: Prof. Fadi Kurdahi, Prof. Ian Harris Title: Transaction-Level Modeling of Deep Neural Networks for Efficient Parallelism and Memory Accuracy Abstract:  The emergence of data-intensive applications, such as Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), exacerbates the well-known memory bottleneck in […]

An End-to-End Platform for Multi-Modal Machine Learning Affective Computing Services

DBH 3011 Donald Bren Hall University of California, Irve, Irvine, CA, United States

Name: Emad Kasaeyan NaeiniChair: Nikil Dutt Date: August 17, 2022 Time: 10:30 AM Location: DBH 3011 Committee: Amir Rahmani, Fadi Kurdahi Title:  An End-to-End Platform for Multi-Modal Machine Learning Affective Computing Services Abstract: Smart affective computing applications deliberately influence pain, emotion and other affective phenomena, and are fundamental to human experience, health and well-being. Affective states […]

Online Learning for Orchestrating Deep Learning Inference at Edge

DBH 2011 Donald Bren Hall University of California, Irve, Irvine, CA, United States

Name: Sina ShahhosseiniChair: Nikil Dutt Date: February 22, 2023 Time: 10:30 AM Location: 2011 DBH Committee: Amir Rahmani, Fadi Kurdahi Title:  Online Learning for Orchestrating Deep Learning Inference at Edge Abstract:  Deep-learning-based intelligent services have become prevalent in cyber-physical applications including smart cities and health-care. Resource-constrained end-devices must be carefully managed in order to meet the […]