
SIMD Assisted Fault Detection and Fault Attack Mitigation

Name: Zhi Chen Date: May 15, 2018 Time: 2:30pm Location: Donald Bren Hall 3011 Committee: Professor Alex Nicolau (Chair), Alex Veidenbaum, Nikil Dutt Abstract: Modern processors continue to aggressively scale down the feature […]

Reflective On-Chip Resource Management Policies for Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Multiprocessors

Name: Tiago Mück Date: May 16, 2018 Time: 2:00pm Location: Donald Bren Hall 2011 Committee: Nikil Dutt (Chair), Alex Nicolau, Tony Givargis Abstract: Effective exploitation of power-performance tradeoffs in heterogeneous many-core platforms (HMPs), requires intelligent on-chip resource management at different layers, in particular at the operating system level. Operating systems need to continuously analyze the application […]

Reliable and Energy Efficient Battery-Powered Cyber-Physical Systems

Name: Korosh Vatanparvar Date: Wednesday, May 30th Time: 3:00 — 5:00 PM Location: Calit2 3008 Committee: Professor Prof. Mohammad Al Faruque (Chair) Abstract: Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) were presented as a solution to multidisciplinary integration and control in embedded systems. They provide seamless interactions between cyber and physical domains, enabling more intelligent and complicated control applications. However, CPS […]

Modeling and Co-Design of Multi-domain Cyber-Physical Systems

Name: Jiang Wan Date: Friday, June 1 Time: 3:00 — 5:00 PM Location: EH 3206 Committee: Fadi Kurdahi (Chair), Mohammad Al Faruque, Rainer Doemer Abstract: Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are integration of computation and physical processes connected through networks. The high complexity of cross-domain engineering in combination with the pressure for system innovation, higher quality, time-to-market, and […]

An Initial Study of Simple Approaches To Eliminating Out-of-Thin-Air Results

Name: Peizhao Ou Chair: Prof. Brian Demsky Date: Tuesday October 16, 2018 Time: 10am - 12pm Location: CALIT2 Room 3008 Title: An Initial Study of Simple Approaches To Eliminating Out-of-Thin-Air Results Abstract: Eliminating so-called "out-of-thin-air" (OOTA) results is an open problem in many existing programming language memory models including Java, C, and C++.  OOTA behaviors […]

Control System Design Automation Using Reinforcement Learning

Title: "Control System Design Automation Using Reinforcement Learning" Name: Hamid Mirzaei Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Time: 1:00 p.m. Location: Donald Bren Hall 3011 Committee: Professor Tony Givargis (Chair), Professor […]

Cyber-Physical Systems Approach to Irrigation Systems

Title: "Cyber-Physical Systems Approach to Irrigation Systems" Name: Davit Hovhannisyan Date: March 5, 2019 Time: 4:00PM Location: EH 3206  (CECS conference room) Committee:  Prof. Fadi Kurdahi (Chair), Prof. Ahmed Eltawil, Prof. Mohammad Al Faruque Abstract: […]

Low-Power Integrated Circuits For Biomedical Applications

Title: "Low-Power Integrated Circuits For Biomedical Applications" Name: Karimi Bidhendi, Alireza Chair: Professor Payam Heydari Date: August 6, 2019 Time: 1 pm Location: Calit2,  Room 3008 Abstract: With thousands new […]