
SpecC Reference Compiler

Release Date: September 28, 2006 (version 2.1)Web Site: https://www.cecs.uci.edu/~specc/ The SpecC Reference Compiler (SCRC) is an Open Source implementation of a compiler and simulator for the SpecC language. The goal of the SpecC Reference Compiler is to: promote SpecC standardization provide a reference implementation, that is compliant with the SpecC Language Reference Manual (LRM V2.0) freely available […]

Farewell to IERF Building

Professor Givargis hosted the lunch to say farwell to the IERF building.

CECS Faculty-Students Gathering 2007

Faculty and students mingle at the 2007 CECS Student-Faculty Gathering, held in our new office at 2010 Anteater Instruction Research Building (AIRB).

ESE: Embedded System Environment

Release Date: March 28, 2008Web Site: https://www.cecs.uci.edu/~ese/ ESE is a toolset for modeling, synthesis and validation of multi-processor embedded system designs. It builds on over 15 years of research in system level design at CECS under Prof. Daniel Gajski. It consists of two parts: ESE Front End and ESE Back End. ESE Front End provides automatic generation of SystemC transaction […]

NISC: No-Instruction-Set-Computer

Release Date: May 2008 (NISC Toolset 2008.05)NISC Demo: https://www.cecs.uci.edu/~nisc/  No-Instruction-Set-Computer (NISC) Technology is the next generation of tools for Design Synthesis. With NISC Technology, you can simultaneously gain higher productivity and better quality of results. Other techniques only offer one of these benefits. Two popular approaches for designing digital systems: Low-level design at Register Transfer Level (RTL). […]

CECS DAC Open House

The 45th Design Automation Conference (DAC) is being held in Anaheim, CA on June 8-13, 2008. CECS cordially invites DAC attendees to an Open House on Friday afternoon, June 13, 2008 from 2:00PM to 4:00PM in our CECS office on the 2rd floor of the Anteater Instruction & Research Building (AIRB). We are planning a […]

Why Circuits Fail

Dr. Sani R. NassifIBM Research Labs, Austin, TX Donald Bren Hall 3011 November 10, 2009 Abstract