
CECS Researchers Receive Best Paper Award at IJCNN 2009

The paper "Efficient Simulation of Large-Scale Spiking Neural Networks Using CUDA Graphics Processors" authored by Jayram Moornikara, Nikil Dutt, Jeffrey Krichmar, Alex Nicolau, and Alex Veidenbaum was recognized with a […]

EDAA Lifetime Achievement Award 2010 goes to Daniel D. Gajski

Adapted from EDAA Press Release:The EDAA Lifetime Achievement Award 2010 goes to Daniel D. Gajski. The Lifetime Achievement Award is given to individuals who made outstanding contributions to the state […]

Professor Rainer Doemer Receives NSF CAREER Award

Dr. Rainer Doemer, assistant professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering, has been honored by the National Science Foundation with a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award. The prestigious award, along with a $400,000 grant, was in recognition of his research in modeling embedded computer systems, and more specifically, "Result-Oriented System-Level Modeling for Efficient Design of Embedded Systems."

Minyoung Kim Wins Two Awards at the RTSS-2007 PhD Forum

Minyoung Kim, a CECS graduate student pursuing a PhD in Computer Science, received two awards - "Best System Architecture Award" and "Best Overall Idea Award" - at the 2007 IEEE […]

Professor Nikil Dutt awarded ACM Distinguished Scientist

The Association for Computing Machinery has awarded Professor Nikil Dutt with the title of ACM Distinguished Scientist. The ACM recognizes members who have made significant accomplishments or achieved significant impacts […]

Motorola Fellowship Awards

2000/2001 Motorola Research Fellowship Awardees: Gerstlauer, Andreas, Dipl. Ing., 1997, University of Stuttgart, Germany, MS, 1998, University of California, Irvine, Thesis Topic: "Architectural Exploration in the SpecC Environment", Advisor: Professor […]

SRC Awards

The Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) recently named one CECS graduate student as an SRC Fellow and one CECS graduate student as an SRC Master's Scholar. These awards will commence with the fall 2001 semester. Graduate student Frederic Doucet, studying under Professor Rajesh K. Gupta, was named an SRC Fellow in the SRC Graduate Fellowship Program. […]