by Lukai Cai
Recently, as system design is becoming more and more challenging due to decreasing timeto-
market and increasing system complexities, trends are emerging to move the design process to
higher levels of abstraction. System-level design demands corresponding approaches that efficiently explore the complete system design space and rapidly evaluate a large number of design alternatives in a short amount of time.
This work proposes fast estimation and efficient exploration approaches for system synthesis
design flow. It starts with the system behavior which represents the design functionality, generates
the system architecture from the system behavior, and finally maps the system behavior to the
system architecture.
In this work, we target at complex system design: the system behavior is modeled concurrently
and hierarchically, the system architecture is assembled by processing elements with
different attributes and incompatible communication protocols. Because our approaches are all
implemented at high abstraction levels and have relatively low time complexities, we meet the
requirement for fast estimation and exploration of the system level design.