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Dongwan Shin, Andreas Gerstlauer, Rainer Dömer, Daniel Gajski,
"C-based Interactive RTL Design Methodology,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-42, December 2003.
Much effort in RTL design has been devoted to developing
push-button types of tools. However, given the highly complex nature of RTL
design, interactive design space exploration with assistance of tools and
algorithms can be more effective. In this report, we propose an interactive
RTL design environment, targeting a generic RTL processor architecture
including pipelining, multicycling and chaining. Tasks in the RTL design
process include clock definition, component allocation, scheduling, binding,
and validation. In our interactive design environment, the user can control
the design process at every stage, observe the effects of design decisions,
and manually override synthesis decisions at will. We also provide a
simultaneous scheduling and binding algorithm to automate RTL synthesis
process. In the end, we present a set of experimental results that
demonstrates the benefits of the proposed approach.
Samar Abdi, Junyu Peng, Haobo Yu, Dongwan Shin, Andreas Gerstlauer, Rainer Dömer, Daniel Gajski,
"System-on-Chip Environment (SCE Version 2.2.0 Beta): Tutorial,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-41, July 2003.
Dongwan Shin, Samar Abdi, Daniel Gajski,
"Automatic Generation of Bus Functional Models from
Transaction Level Models,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-33, November 2003.
This report presents methodology and algorithms for generating bus
functional models from transaction level models in system level design.
Transaction level models are often used by designers for prototyping the bus
functional architecture of the system. Being at a higher level of
abstraction gives transaction level models the unique advantage of high
simulation speed. This means that the designer can explore several bus
functional architectures before choosing the optimal one. However, the
process of converting a transaction level model to a bus functional model is
not trivial. A manual conversion would not only be time consuming but also
error prone. A bus functional model should also accurately represent the
corresponding transaction level model. We present algorithms for automating
this refinement process. Experimantal results presented using a tool based
on these algorithms show their usefulness and feasibility.
Daniel Gajski and Samar Abdi,
"System Debugging and Verification : A New Challenge,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-31, October 2003.
The continuous increase in size and complexity of System-on-Chip
designs has introduced new modeling and verification challenges. The system
designs of today need modeling at higher levels of abstraction such as
transaction level. On the verification front, techniques like assertion
based verification are being used to complement traditional simulation and
debugging of designs. Formal methods like logical equivalence checking are
becoming increasingly relevant for minimizing or even eliminating the need
for costly gate-level simulations. Property checking techniques like model
checking and theorem proving are being employed in high-end processor and
system design.
In this talk, we will present an overview on the role of
modeling and verification in the complete design flow from system level to
gates. We will discuss different models and the verification techniques that
apply best for validating them.
Andreas Gerstlauer,
"Communication Abstractions for System-Level Design and Synthesis,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-30, October 2003.
As we are entering
the network-on-chip era and system communication is becoming a
factor, communication abstraction and synthesis are integral to defining
system design flows and methodologies.
The key to the success of any approach, however, are well-defined
abstraction levels and models, which enable design automation for
synthesis and verification to achieve the required productivity gains.
In this report, we define a flow of system
communication abstraction layers and corresponding design models that
supports design automation for successive, step-wise refinement of
communication from abstract application transactions down to a
bus-functional implementation.
We applied the flow to the example of a mobile baseband chip platform.
Results show the trade-offs between accuracy
and complexity of different transaction levels in the flow.
Furthermore, the experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and
feasibility of an automated flow.
Samar Abdi and Daniel D. Gajski,
"Provably Correct Architecture Refinement,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-29, September 2003.
This paper presents a formal approach to correctly generate an
architecture level model of a system from its specification model. We define
the notion of equivalence of models based on their execution semantics. A
formalism is then presented, which can be used to model systems and perform
correct transformations on them. Architecture refinement is described, as a
sequence of such transformations on the specification model, that results in
an equivalent architecture model. This method of deriving one model from
another through well defined rules can alleviate the problem of validating
every model at different abstraction levels in system design.
Daniel D. Gajski,
"NISC: The Ultimate Reconfigurable Component,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-28, September 2003.
With complexities of Systems-on-Chip rising almost daily, the design
community has been searching for new methodology that can handle given
complexities with increased productivity and decreased times-to-market. The
obvious solution that comes to mind is increasing levels of abstraction, or
in other words, increasing the size of the basic building blocks. However,
it is not clear how many of these building blocks we need and what these
basic blocks should be. Obviously, the necessary building blocks are
processors and memories. One interesting question is: Are they sufficient?
The other interesting question is: How many types of processors and
memories we really need? In this report we try to answer both of these
questions and argue that the No-instruction-set computer (NISC) is a single,
necessary and sufficient processor component for design of any digital system.
Andreas Gerstlauer, Kiran Ramineni, Rainer Dömer and Daniel D. Gajski,
"System-On-Chip Specification Style Guide,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-21, June 2003.
Many recently proposed system-level design methodologies share the
characteristic that the design flow starts from a golden, executable
specification model. The specification model is captured by the
designer and describes the desired system behavior in a purely
functional way. As the starting point for the system-level design
process, it will later be gradually refined through a series of
interactive and automated steps down to an actual implementation.
Therefore, having a clear and unambigious input model as defined by
this manual is crucial for effective design space exploration.
In this report, we will describe and define a system specification
style guide using the SpecC language and the design flow in the
System-on-Chip Design Environment (SCE) as an example. Following
some general guidelines for developing efficient specification
models, detailed rules that define the specification modeling style
are given. For the example of SCE used in this report, specification
models are written in version 2.0 of the SpecC language. On top of
the basic SpecC syntax and semantics, the modeling rules impose
additional restrictions for a proper and valid specification model.
Finally, steps required to convert an existing C description into a
specification model are outlined and some conversion examples are
Kiran Ramineni and Daniel Gajski,
"C to SpecC Conversion Style,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-13, April 2003.
We present a methodology and style guidelines for automatic
translation from a given design specification in raw C code
to SpecC code. Traditional conversion from C to SpecC relies on manual
refinement which is painfully time consuming and
error prone. The automation of the refinement process provides a useful tool
to reduce the time spent in conversion of C to
SpecC so that the system designer can spend more time with design decisions
based on exploration with SpecC code.
Haobo Yu, Andreas Gerstlauer, Daniel Gajski,
"RTOS Scheduling in Transaction Level Models,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-12, March 2003.
Rasing the level of abstraction in system design promises to enable faster
exploration of the design space at early stages.
While scheduling decision for embedded software has great impact on system
performance, it is much desired that the designer
can select the right scheduling algorithm at high abstraction levels so as
to save him from the error-prone and time consuming
task of tuning code delays or task priority assignments at the final stage
of system design. In this paper we tackle this problem
by introducing a RTOS model and an approach to refine any unscheduled
transaction level model (TLM) to a TLM with RTOS
scheduling support. The automation of the RTOS scheduling refinement process
provides a useful tool to the system designer
to quickly evaluate different dynamic scheduling algorithms and make the
optimal choice at the early stage of system design.
Experiments with the tool on a system design example shows the usefulness of
our approach.
Lucai Cai, Shireesh Verma, Daniel D. Gajski,
"Comparison of SpecC and SystemC Languages for System Design,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-11, May 2003.
In course of system-level design, designers need an efficient system
level design language (SLDL), which can serve as
the design vehicle. The complexity of the design process at this level is
determined upto an extent, by the semantics and
syntax definition of the SLDL being used. This report first analyzes the
system-level design flow in order to establish the
requirements on an SLDL. It then compares SpecC and SystemC, the two popular
SLDLs, in terms of the extent they meet
these requirements. Finally, it provides the essential modeling guidelines
for both the SpecC and SystemC users for the cases
where the constructs or the features of the respective languages give rise
to an ambiguous design.
Lucai Cai and Daniel Gajski,
"Transaction Level Modeling in System Level Design,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-10, March 2003.
Recently, the transaction-level modeling is widely referred to in
system level design literature. However, the transaction-level
models (TLMs) are not well defined and the usages of TLM in the existing
design approaches, namely system synthesis,
platform-based design, and component-based design, are not systematically
developed. In order to efficiently use TLMs in
above design approaches, this report defines four transaction level
abstraction models. The defined TLMs slice the entire
design process into several small design tasks. Each task targets at a
specific design objective and the result of a task
can be validated by simulating the corresponding TLM. Designers can extract
the characteristics of the design from lower-level
TLMs and annotate them to the higher-level TLMs, such that designers can
accurately make design decision at early
stages. Using defined TLMs as standard models, designers can reuse/exchange
the pre-defined TLMs and implement the
cross-approach design.
Anshuman Tripathi, Shireesh Verma, Daniel D. Gajski,
"G.729E Algorithm Optimization for ARM926EJ-S Processor,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-09, March 2003.
This report presents a methodology towards a complete software
implementation of G.729 Annexe E on ARM926EJ-S
processor running at 200 MHz clock speed. The methodology spans both, target
independent as well as target dependent
optimizations. The main focus is towards code speed up to reduce the per
frame execution time as much below the 10 ms
constraint as possible. Although no constraint is given for code size, the
outcome of the optimization process has so far
resulted in an overall reduction of the code size. The code was also run on
an Aptix FPGA board to calibrate the ARMulator
(ARM instruction set simulator). Although the optimizations presented here,
were performed and analyzed on the G.729E
algorithm, they can be used on any similar DSP code for speed up.
Samar Abdi and Daniel Gajski,
"Automatic Communication Refinement for System Level Design,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-08, March 2003.
This paper presents a methodology and algorithms for automatic
communication refinement. The communication refinement
task in system-level synthesis transforms abstract data-transfer between
components to its actual bus level implementation.
The input model of the communication refinement is a set of concurrently
executing components, communicating with
each other through abstract communication channels. The refined model
reflects the actual communication architecture.
Choosing a good communication architecture in system level designs requires
sufficient exploration through evaluation of
various architectures. However, this would not be possible with manually
refining the system model for each communication
architecture. For one, manual refinement is tedious and error-prone.
Secondly, it wastes substantial amount of precious
designer time. We solve this problem with automatic model refinement. We
also present a set of experimental results to
demonstrate how the proposed approach works on a typical system level design.
Samar Abdi and Daniel Gajski,
"Formal Verification of Specification Partitioning,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-06, March 2003.
This report presents a formal approach to verify models in a system
level design environment. It is a first in series of reports
that demonstrate how we use this formal approach to refine a given
specification down to its cycle-accurate implementation.
We formally define models and develop theorems and proofs to show that our
well defined refinement algorithms produce
functionally equivalent models. In this report, we specifically look at
generation of an architecture level model by refinement
of a specification model. The refinement process follows a well defined
system level partitioning algorithm. We prove that
executing the individual steps of the refinement algorithm, in the
predefined order, leads to an equivalent model.
Lukai Cai and Daniel Gajski,
"Channel Mapping in System Level Design,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-03, January 2003.
This report proposes a design flow and algorithms to implement the
channel mapping, which generates interconnection
topology of the system architecture, selects bus protocols, maps the
communication channels among PEs to the generated
buses, and configures bus parameters. Unlike previous work, the proposed
design flow and algorithms are tailored for
complex systems which contain hundreds of PEs with incompatible
communication protocols. We have applied the proposed
approach on the vocoder project and have approved the approach's correctness.
Daniel Gajski, Junyu Peng, Andreas Gerstlauer, Haobo Yu, Dongwan Shin,
"System Design Methodology and Tools,"
CECS, UC Irvine, Technical Report CECS-TR-03-02, January 2003.