Professor Doemer’s current research projects are: RISC: Parallel SystemC Simulation on Many-Core Computer Architectures, A New Parallel Programming Model for Many-Core Computers. His ongoing project is
System-on-Chip Environment (SCE).
Brian Demsky’s is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. His research interests are programming languages, software engineering, security, compilation, parallel software, program analysis, and program understanding. Some of his group’s ongoing research include: Model Checking and Testing Concurrent Data Structures, Language-Based Tools for Security, Languages and Analysis for Parallelization, Language Design for Robust Software Systems, Bristlecone: Robust Software Systems, Garm: Protecting Private Data in Legacy Applications, and Data Structure Repair.
Prof. Chou is a Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Chou’s area of research covers hardware/software codesign of embedded systems, with a particular emphasis on low-power and power-aware system designs. His effort can be divided into two complementary areas: design tools and system designs. The tools improve system designs systematically, while system designs provide motivating examples for the tools. He also has several interdisciplinary collaborations with civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and medicine.
Professor Bozorgzadeh’s research interests are: System Synthesis for Self-adaptive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems, Energy Sustainability in Embedded systems through micro energy harvesting, Physically-aware Architectural Synthesis and layout planning for Embedded Systems, and FPGA-Based Accelerated Computing. She has received the NSF CAREER Award, 2008, Best paper award, and IEEE International Conference in Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2006,