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Andreas Gerstlauer, Haobo Yu, Daniel D. Gajski,
"RTOS Modeling for System-Level Design,"
in Design,
Automation, and Test in Europe: The Most Influential Papers of 10 Years DATE,
edited by Rudy Lauwereins and Jan Madsen,
Springer Science+Business Media, New York, NY, ISBN 978-1-4020-6487-6, March 2008.
System level synthesis is widely seen as the solution for closing
the productivity gap in system design. High-level system models
are used in system level design for early design exploration.
While real time operating systems (RTOS) are an increasingly
important component in system design, specific RTOS implementations
cannot be used directly in high level models. On the other hand,
existing system level design languages (SLDL) lack support for
RTOS modeling.
In this chapter, we propose a RTOS model built on top
of existing SLDLs which, by providing the
key features typically available in any RTOS,
allows the designer to model the dynamic behavior of multi-tasking
systems at higher abstraction levels to be incorporated into
existing design flows. Experimental result shows that
our RTOS model is easy to use and efficient while being able to provide
accurate results.
Gunar Schirner, Gautam Sachdeva, Andreas Gerstlauer, Rainer Dömer
"Embedded Software Development in a System-Level Design Flow,"
in Embedded
System Design: Topics, Techniques and Trends,
edited by Achim Rettberg, Mauro Zanella, Rainer Dömer, Andreas Gerstlauer, Franz Rammig,
Springer Science+Business Media, New York, NY, ISBN 978-0-387-72257-3, June 2007.
System level design is considered a major approach to tackle the
complexity of modern System-on-Chip designs. Embedded software within
SoCs is gaining importance as it addresses the increasing need for flexible
and feature-rich solutions. Therefore, integrating software design
and co-simulation into a system level design flow is highly desirable.
In this article, we present the software perspective within our systemlevel
design flow. We address three major aspects: (1) modeling of a
processor (from abstract to ISS-based), (2) porting of an RTOS, and
(3) the embedded software generation including RTOS targeting.
We describe these aspects based on a case study for the ARM7TDMI
processor. We show processor models including a cycle-accurate ISSbased
model (using SWARM), which executes the RTOS MicroC/OS-II.
We demonstrate our flow with an automotive application of anti-lock
breaks using one ECU and CAN-connected sensors. Our experimental
results show that automatic SW generation is achievable and that SW
designers can utilize the system level benefits. This allows the designer
to develop applications more efficiently at the abstract system level.
Dongwan Shin, Andreas Gerstlauer, Rainer Dömer, Daniel D. Gajski,
"An Interactive Design Environment for C-based High-Level Synthesis,"
in Embedded
System Design: Topics, Techniques and Trends,
edited by Achim Rettberg, Mauro Zanella, Rainer Dömer, Andreas Gerstlauer, Franz Rammig,
Springer Science+Business Media, New York, NY, ISBN 978-0-387-72257-3, June 2007.
Much effort in RTL design has been devoted to developing
"push-button" types of tools. However, given the highly
complex nature, and lack of control on RTL design, push-button types
of synthesis is not accepted by most designers. Interactive design
space exploration with assistance of tools and algorithms can be more
effective because it provides control of all steps of synthesis.
In this paper, we propose an interactive RTL design environment, which
enables designers to control design steps. In our interactive
environment, the user can control the design process at every stage,
observe the effects of design decisions, and manually override
synthesis decisions at will. Finally, we present a set of experimental
results that demonstrate the benefits of our approach. Our combination
of automated tools and interactive control by the designer results in
quickly generated RTL designs with better performance than
fully-automatic results, comparable to fully manually optimized
Dongwan Shin, Andreas Gerstlauer, Rainer Dömer, Daniel D. Gajski,
"Automatic Generation of Communication Architectures,"
in From
Specification to Embedded Systems Application,
edited by Achim Rettberg, Mauro C. Zanella, Franz Rammig,
Springer Science+Business Media, New York, NY, ISBN 0-387-27557-6, September 2005.
In this paper, we propose automatic generation of bus-based communication
architectures from an abstract model reflecting only the communication
topology. Tasks include protocol selection for each bus, master/slave
assignment for each component, interrupt handling and addressing for
synchronization between components, and arbitration to resolve multiple
accesses on a bus. We present a set of experimental results demonstrating
how the proposed approach works on typical system designs.
Experimental results show the benefits of our methodology and demonstrate
the effectiveness of automatic model generation for communication design.
Andreas Gerstlauer, Haobo Yu, Daniel D. Gajski,
"RTOS Modeling for System-Level Design,"
in Embedded Software for SoC,
edited by Ahmed A. Jerraya, Sungjoo Yoo, Norbert When, Diederik Verkest,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, ISBN 1-4020-7528-6, June 2003.
System level synthesis is widely seen as the solution for closing
the productivity gap in system design. High-level system models
are used in system level design for early design exploration.
While real time operating systems (RTOS) are an increasingly
important component in system design, specific RTOS implementations
cannot be used directly in high level models. On the other hand,
existing system level design languages (SLDL) lack support for
RTOS modeling.
In this chapter, we propose a RTOS model built on top
of existing SLDLs which, by providing the
key features typically available in any RTOS,
allows the designer to model the dynamic behavior of multi-tasking
systems at higher abstraction levels to be incorporated into
existing design flows. Experimental result shows that
our RTOS model is easy to use and efficient while being able to provide
accurate results.
A. Rettberg, F. Rammig, A. Gerstlauer, D. Gajski, W. Hardt, B. Kleinjohann,
"The Specification Language SpecC within the PARADISE Design Environment,"
in Architecture and Design of Distributed Embedded Systems,
edited by Bernd Kleinjohann,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, ISBN 0-7923-7345-6, April 2001.
The design of embedded systems has to address several interacting
design aspects, so-called dimensions, to capture parallelism, distribution
over different locations and hard real-time requirements. Thus, a structured
design process has been established with the PARADISE design environment.
The design process covers all steps from behavioral specification to final
chip realization. In this paper, we describe how system specification and
refinement is covered in combination with the processes available in
PARADISE. An example of an adequate specification and modeling language is
considered and adapted for integration into PARADISE. First results show the
feasibility of integrating the respective concepts.
Daniel D. Gajski, Rainer Dömer, Jianwen Zhu,
"IP-centric Methodology and Specification Language,"
in Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems,
edited by Franz J. Rammig,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, ISBN 0-7923-8614-0, September 1999.
Daniel D. Gajski, Rainer Dömer, Jianwen Zhu,
"IP-centric Methodology and Design with the SpecC Language,"
Chapter 10 in System-Level Synthesis,
Proceedings of the NATO ASI on System Level Sythesis for Electronic Design, Il Ciocco, Lucca, Italy, Aug. 1998,
edited by Ahmed A. Jerraya, Jean P. Mermet,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 0-7923-5749-3, May 1999.
In this paper, we demonstrate the application of the specify-explore-refine (SER)
paradigm for an IP-centric codesign of embedded systems.
We describe the necessary design tasks required to
map an abstract executable specification of the system to the
architectural implementation model. We also describe the final and
intermediate models generated as a result of these design tasks.
The executable specification and its refinements should support
easy insertion and reuse of IPs.
Although several languages are currently used for system design,
none of them completely meets the unique requirements of system modelling
with support for IP reuse.
This paper discusses the requirements and objectives
for system languages and describes a C-based language called SpecC,
which precisely covers these requirements in an orthogonal manner.
Finally, we describe the design environment which is based on our codesign
Daniel D. Gajski, Jianwen Zhu, Rainer Dömer,
"Essential Issues in Codesign,"
Chapter 1 in
Co-Design: Principles and Practice,
edited by Jørgen Staunstrup and Wayne Wolf,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, ISBN 0-7923-8013-4, October 1997.
Forest Brewer, Daniel D. Gajski,
"A Design Process Model,"
in Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design,
edited by C. Tong and D. Sriram,
Academic Press, 1992, pp 357-394.
Daniel D. Gajski,
"Essential Issues and Possible Solutions
in High-Level Synthesis,"
in High-Level
VLSI Synthesis,
edited by R. Composano and W. Wolf,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-9159-4, 1991, pp. 1-26.